Tuesday, December 1, 2009


How To Beat A Slice: gives the arms a chance to stay to the inside

20世纪伟大高球浪潮~ 杰克‧尼克劳斯

1940 年1月21 日,哥伦布,俄亥俄州。


‧PGA 巡回赛:73座
‧长春PGA 巡回赛:10座

‧英国公开赛:1966/1970/1978 /年

‧美国业余公开赛: 1959 /1961 年

‧8 次PGA 年度奖金榜首位
‧5 次获选PGA 年度最佳球员
‧2次获颁"世纪高尔夫球运动员" 褒奖
‧1970 年代由运动画刊Sports Illustrated形容为"十年来最佳运动员"
‧6 次美国莱德Ryder 杯成员
‧担任总统杯队长:1998/2003 年


‧从1957 美国公开赛到1998 美国公开赛,在他有资格参加的比赛中,杰克持续不断的打了154场大赛。
‧杰克连续17年蝉联奖金榜前十名(1962-78) 。
‧杰克连续17年每年至少赢得一座PGA 巡回赛冠军(1962-78) 。

杰克‧尼克劳斯 生平:

出生在美国俄亥俄州药剂师家庭的尼克劳斯,早在青少年时期就已展露出高尔夫的才能,当时仍在俄亥俄州大学就读的他,便以业余身份赢得1959 年和1961年两次获得全美业余锦标赛冠军。 1960年尼克劳斯还曾以两杆差距获得美国公开赛第二名。那一年,尼克劳斯最后一轮与球王阿诺‧帕玛和一代名将班‧侯根同组争夺冠军荣誉,当年的冠军正是阿诺‧帕玛。帕玛知道这位年青人就是既将在未来挑战自己的对手,但他没有想到这一天来临的那么快。当年一起打完比赛的班‧侯根曾预言「如果他(尼克劳斯)再年长两岁,他将以十杆的差距赢得冠军。」后来事实证明:班‧侯根说对了!



26岁时,尼克劳斯完成了生涯得重大里程碑:取得全部四大赛的冠军头衔!然后赢得第二次全部大赛冠军。并且终于在1978年英国公开赛取得了全部大赛冠军。 1986年他获得最后一个大赛冠军,当时他已经46岁,这已经是他第六个名人赛优胜。尼克劳斯接下来参加的PGA长春巡回赛中,赢取了10 次,包括8 个常春组的大赛。 PGA 巡回赛中也包括了他所主办的纪念公开赛。



1978年夺冠之后,尼克劳斯身兼多种角色:商人、建筑师、好丈夫以及5 个孩子的父亲。常有人说当高尔夫选手不能妥善的照顾家庭,这个论点在尼克劳斯身上完全不是这么回事,他非常重视家庭观念,套句Lee Trevino曾说过:「假如尼克劳斯能把高尔夫事业放在首位而不是家庭,上帝知道他还会有多?伟大的成就。」就可知道尼克劳斯对家庭的重视可见一斑!


1974 年Jack Nicklaus荣登世界高尔夫球名人堂。


1912 年8月13 日在Stephenville, 德克萨斯
1997 年7月25 日 过逝

The Hawk or Bantam Ben鹰或矮脚鸡

64 次

大赛冠军:9 座
‧ 名人赛:1951 年1953 年
‧ 美国公开赛: 1948 年1950 年1951 年1953 年
‧ 英国公开赛:1953 年
‧ PGA 锦标赛: 1946 年1948 年

‧ 5次PGA 巡回赛奖金榜冠军
‧ 3次PGA巡回赛瓦登奖(Vardon Trophy) : 1940 年1941 年1948 年
‧PGA年度最佳球员:1948 年1950 年1951 年1953 年
‧ 2 次个美国莱德Ryder 杯成员
‧ 3次美国莱德杯队长:1947 年1949 年1967 年

1974 年班‧侯根荣登世界高尔夫球名人榜。

‧Dave Marr形容他:"侯根打一场比赛而我们似乎在打另一场比赛。"

  告诉大家一个数据吧!侯根在292 次的PGA巡回赛里,名列前3名的次数是百分之47.6,如果算他前10名的话更高达了241次。

1912 年侯根出生地靠近沃斯堡这个地方。侯根和Byron Nelson(于1974年入选世界高尔夫名人堂)是童年好友。两人也同在沃斯堡高尔夫俱乐部当任杆弟。他们甚至在同一年的俱乐部员工比赛里平手(纳尔逊赢得了冠军) 。


1929 年,侯根17岁就转入了职业,都参加德州的职业比赛,但他并没有在PGA巡回赛里崭露头角,直到1932 年才参加巡回赛。在他早期的球风里,侯根都是打左曲球,但后来经过了长时间的大力改造后,他变成了小右曲球的打者,1940 年起他便开始赢得比赛而且非常频繁。



就在16个多月的调养与复健后,侯根成功的克服了这次几乎致命的伤害。从1950 年开始,侯根一年里从未参加了超过7 次的PGA巡回赛。但他还是在伤后赢得了13座的冠军。直到2000 年老虎‧伍兹破纪录演出之前,侯根是唯一在同一赛季里赢得三座职业高尔夫大赛的选手。那是在1953 年的时候,当侯根赢得了名人赛,同一年度还一举夺下美国公开赛和个人唯一座英国公开赛的奖杯,这也让他成?历史上第二位完成职业四大赛满贯的高尔夫大师。 PGA锦标赛因为开赛时间与英国公开赛太接近的关系他无法参加。从1946 年到1953 年期间,侯根参加了16场的大赛并抱回其中的9座冠军。

他以他的专业造福了无数爱好高尔夫球的球迷,众所周知的品牌Ben Hogan便是球具厂商以他的名号创立,多年来生产了许多最为优良的高尔夫球具。


侯根在1995 年时,被诊断出有结肠癌以及老人痴呆症,之后于1997年7月25日于沃斯堡的家中过世。


1912 年5月27 日Hot Spring, 维吉尼亚州。
2002 年5月23 日逝世

"Slammin ' Sam," 或"Slammer"重炮手山姆

(Snead 估计赢得了160场职业比赛。)

‧ 名人赛:1949 年1952 年1954 年
‧ 英国公开赛: 1946 年
‧ PGA 锦标赛:: 1942年、1949、年1951 年

‧ PGA 巡回赛终身成就奖
‧ 3 次PGA 奖金榜优胜
‧ 4 次平均最低杆数的瓦顿奖(Vardon Trophy)
‧ 8 次美国莱德Ryder 杯队员
‧ 3次美国Ryder 杯队长

‧"你是无法在高尔夫球专卖店买到「打一场好球的」。 "
‧"有三件事下场时我最害怕!打雷、Ben Hogan和下坡的推杆。"
‧Tim Finchem:”没有人可以复制Sam Snead也没有人可以超越Sam Snead,因为他是这么的独特”

‧ Snead也是PGA巡回赛里单场冠军的纪录保持人,赢得8次Greensboro公开赛,1938年第一次夺冠,1965年最后一次他已届52岁(也创造了最高龄赢得巡回赛冠军的纪录) 。
‧ 在赢得大赛之前,Snead已经赢得了27座巡回赛的胜利。
Sam Snead生平:
什么东西如丝绸般平滑,如诗歌般纯净,又非常地优雅?只有超级的高球迷才能给出正确的答案:Sam Snead的挥杆。当然,Snead是得到上天眷顾的,他身体的柔软度极好,到了80岁的时候,仍然可以抬腿至头顶,因此练就无可挑剔的挥杆动作。

1912年,Snead出生在美国弗吉尼亚的偏僻山区,家庭相当的困窘。 Snead完全像个野孩子般长大,和同伴无忧地去打猎、钓鱼。但不一样的是,他还喜欢上了打高尔夫,因为他家靠近著名的高尔夫旅游胜地Hot Springs。


富有韵律的挥杆,使Snead成为第一个开球距离超过270码的球手(当时球的制造材质不同今日,现在的球手能轻易打出300多码)。 1936 年,Snead背着花费了九美金买来的九支球杆,第一次在世人面前展现他的魔力挥杆,345码的距离让球迷震惊不已,因此,大家给了“重炮手山姆” (Slammin Sammy)的称呼。

带着一股冲劲的Snead征战四大赛战绩斐然,同时也留下了人生中最大的遗憾。他赢得了三次PGA锦标赛冠军( PGA Championships),三次名人赛(The Masters)冠军和一次英国公开赛冠军(The British Open),然而,独缺美国公开赛(US Open)。

1979年,球迷再次看到他的伟大,年届67岁的Snead成为第一个打出低于自身年龄杆数的球手,因为在Quad Cities Open上,他取得了67与66杆的成绩。


晚年的Snead成为一名热心的高球使者,他在常青巡回赛上起了非常大的作用。他也尝试去设计球场,与Gene Sarazen一起设计了Slammer and the Squire球场。阿诺‧帕玛(Anald Palmer)在Snead离世后,中肯地说:“他是一个对于高尔夫的普及起了关键作用的一个人物。”
1974 年Sam Snead 名列世界高尔夫球名人堂。

Adam Scott 亚当·斯科特


Swing Sequence: Adam Scott


Sunday, November 15, 2009


首先, 在站位的时候,我们要做到放松,保持身体挺拔的感觉,抬起头,而不是缩在胸前,手臂要伸展,后背挺直但不要僵硬,握杆牢固但不要紧抓,腿部站位扎实但不要 像木头桩子。其实这种准备姿势不单适用于高尔夫,也可以适合很多体育运动。高尔夫挥杆中所需要的力量和准确性,往往受到你站位姿势的影响。

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

賈西亞的致勝武器-TaylorMade全新Tour Burner開球木桿

TaylorMade 旗下指定贊助的西班牙職業高球好手瑟吉歐.賈西亞(Sergio Garcia),在潛沉3年後,再度以傲人球感結合TaylorMade全新Tour Burner開球木桿的野獸級爆發力,勇奪美國PGA巡迴賽選手錦標賽(The Players Championship)冠軍,再次證明TaylorMade的實力!

◎ TEXT / 張為揚

多重頂尖科技的最佳結合-Tour Burner

號稱美國PGA巡迴賽旗艦賽事的選手錦標賽聚集多位各國好手,賈西亞精湛的開球表現與準確的擊球落點是摘下本屆選手 錦標賽冠軍的關鍵因素。TaylorMade推出的全新Tour Burner開球木桿不僅成功輔佐賈西亞奪得冠位,更讓他以平均開球距離283碼的高水準表現,搶下Driving Accuracy與Greens in Regulation雙項排名的寶座,在高手雲集賽事中傲視群雄!
以讓球友擁有職業級擊球實力為產品設計原點的Tour Burner系列,採用TaylorMade全新雙蓋科技(Dual Crown Technology),利用桿頭上下蓋尺寸精準的大小設計,結合獨家超薄桿壁科技(Ultra-Thin Wall Casting Technology),打造球桿最佳重心效果,協助球友們在開球時,掌握更精確的擊球飛出角度,並達成更遠距且落點精準的效益,奠定場上的致勝基礎。
Tour Burner開球木桿具備極高慣性矩值(MOI)的球頭設計,提供絕佳的穩定度及容許度(Forgivingness)。而TaylorMade知名的倒 錐形桿背技術(Inverted Cone Technology)則能有效提升擊球球速,減少擊球距離的損失。此外,Tour Burner更採用全新超快科技(SuperFast Technology),以僅有60克且加長到45.5吋的輕巧桿身設計,具體落實拉大揮桿弧度,進而增進小白球飛行距離的理念,讓球友們無論在何種狀態 下,皆能擁有如職業選手般怪獸級揮桿爆發力,成就超高水準的亮眼好成績。


此次,TaylorMade不僅展示Tour Burner開球木桿,更推出專為想要擁有職業級表現的球友們所設計的Tour Burner TP(Tour Preferred)系列。Tour Burner TP系列的球桿已伴隨許多知名職業選手,如Justin Rose及Sergio Garcia,征戰各大巡迴賽並贏得優異成績。Tour Burner TP的桿面角度較Tour Burner更開放兩度,並提供三種不同桿身硬度讓球友依個人需求挑選,TaylorMade以貼心考量與極緻設計,讓球友們在場上的表現更加無懈可擊!

一揮千里─TaylorMade全新「r7 Limited開球木桿」

對於熱愛高球活動的球友們而言,除了勤練球技外,選擇一支好的球桿,更是讓成績更加突破精進的致勝關鍵,TaylorMade在推出全球第一支具備可調節重心技術的r7 系列球桿後,即廣受職業球員與業餘愛好者的喜愛...

◎ TEXT / 林柏攸

在 今年,TaylorMade更推出全新終極版r7 Limited開球木桿,運用最頂級的「可調節重心技術」,以及更強化的「倒錐形桿背技術」,結合TaylorMade各世代球桿的製桿精湛工藝與洗鍊簡 潔造型,在揮擊瞬間,即能開出比原有彈道更增進35碼以上的極大遠距,以更深、更低的重心結構,大幅提升擊球準度,讓球友在每次揮桿,都是職業水準的銳力 展現!

TaylorMade此次以旗下兩大頂級強化版的「可調節重心技術」(Movable Weight Technology)與「倒錐形桿背技術」(Inverted Cone Technology),精心規劃研發r7 Limited Driver系列球桿,搭配三顆可調式「配重匣」,球友只要使用隨桿附贈的專利MWT扳手,即可按照擊球需要自由調整桿頭重心結構,創造更快、更低、更深 的擊球重心,讓開球距離隨著每次揮擊,皆能飛出極致遠距與絕對爆發力!而在擊球角度方面,配置眾多高科技與材質的r7 Limited Driver,則可完全改善r7 SuperQuad與CGB Max系列開球木桿在擊球時,會出現曲道稍微偏左的問題,讓球友能完全掌控擊球的方向與角度,打出最理想的小白球飛行路線。
此 外,TaylorMade更運用鐳離子精細鍍工技術,鑄造r7 Limited開球木桿精密且高亮質的金屬桿頭外型,再輔以現代感十足的簡潔圓潤收邊線條,搭配大器的桿頭底部設計,彰顯其俐落沉穩的獨特風格。另一方 面,整合高速與力道於一身的桿頭裝備,加上採用「超速科技」(SuperFast Technology)製成的超輕量RE*AX 60克碳纖桿身,則讓r7 Limited開球木桿在擊球表現上,具備極高的有效慣性矩值(eMOI),以高出球角度、低後旋完美彈道、高容錯度、超輕量等特質,提供球友絕佳的擊球 穩定度,具體拉大揮桿弧度,實現小白球高速遠距的飛行夢想!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009




  根据该理论的鼻祖Jim Hardy的说法,这两种不同的平面挥杆方法是截然不同的,好象油和水之间的关系,如果你一直为你的挥杆苦恼不已的话,很有可能就是你还没有了解自己的挥杆是属于哪一种并且按照相应的正确方法去练习。




Sunday, March 22, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Moe Knows What Nobody Else Knows

Moe Knows What Nobody Else Knows by David Owen Part One

Sam Snead played an exhibition match with Ed (Porky) Oliver and Moe Norman in Toronto in 1969. On one par-4 hole, a creek crossed the fairway about 240 yards from the tee. Norman, a Canadian pro who lived in the area, reached for his driver.

"This is a lay-up hole, Moe," Snead warned him. "You can't clear the creek with a driver." "Not trying to," Norman said. "I'm playing for the bridge." Snead's and Oliver's tee shots ended up safely on the near side of the water. Norman's drive landed short and rolled over the bridge to the other side.

Every golfer hits a lucky shot from time to time. But Norman, who recently turned 66, has hit so many lucky shots during the last half-century that you begin to search for a different adjective.

Consider Norman's experience during a practice round before the 1971 Canadian Open. A week earlier, at the Quebec Open, he had come to the final hole with a one-stroke lead, but had four-putted the final green to finish second. (His playing partner, Gary Slatter, explained later that Norman putted poorly on the hole because he was upset that the crowd had not applauded him for being the only player that day to reach that green in two.) "Any four-putts today?" a reporter asked Norman as he came to the tee of a 233-yard par 3. Norman teed up a ball in silence and hit it straight at the pin. He watched the ball's flight a moment, then turned to the reporter and said, "Not putting today." The ball landed on the front of the green and rolled into the cup.

Norman is mostly unknown to American golf fans, but he has long been a nearly mythical figure among tour professionals. Paul Azinger first saw him hit balls on a driving range in Florida 15 years ago when Azinger was a college player.

"He started ripping these drivers right off the ground at the 250-yard marker, and he never hit one more than 10 yards to either side of it, and he hit at least 50," Azinger told Tim O'Connor, a Canadian writer whose forthcoming biography of Norman, A Feeling of Greatness, is excerpted in the December issue of Golf Digest. "It was an incredible sight. When he hit irons, he was calling how many times you would see it bounce after he hit it--sometimes before he hit it--and he'd do it. It was unbelievable," said Azinger.

At an exhibition once, Norman hit 1,540 drives in a little under seven hours. None was shorter than 225 yards, and all landed inside a marked 30-yard-wide landing zone.

Norman doesn't look like a legend. His graying red hair stands more or less straight up, giving him a look of perpetual surprise. He wears long-sleeved shirts in even the hottest weather, and he buttons them up to his chin. His pants don't fit very well; during his playing days, they often gave out just south of mid-shin.

He likes bright colors and enjoys mixing stripes and plaids. His teeth would give an orthodontist pause. A huge proportion of his daily caloric intake is in the form of Coca-Cola. His voice is high; he speaks rapidly and often repeats himself, especially when he's nervous. But Iron Byron doesn't have much star quality, either. Professional golfers' high regard for Norman has always been based primarily on his phenomenal ball striking. Lee Trevino ranks Norman with the game's very best, including Ben Hogan and Byron Nelson.

Ken Venturi agrees: "Because Moe is kind of eccentric, he never got the credit he deserved or played the kind of golf he was capable of. You had to ignore the way he looked over the ball and judge his ball striking. Hogan, Snead, Nelson--they all look esthetic. Moe looked very awkward. But he could do anything. He is one of the premier ball-strikers I have ever seen. Hell, I'd give Moe three strokes a side just to watch him hit the golf ball."

In his heyday, Norman translated his ball-striking genius into an impressive competitive record. In the late '50s, he won dozens of amateur tournaments in Canada, including the Canadian Amateur two years in a row. His best year as a pro was 1966, when he won five of the 12 Canadian tournaments he entered, came in second in five, finished no lower than fifth, and won the CPGA scoring-average title by 2 1/2 strokes, with 69.8.

Beginning in 1979, when Norman turned 50, he won seven consecutive Canadian PGA senior championships, finished second in the eighth, and won the ninth by eight strokes. He has set more than 30 course records, including three with scores of 59 and four with scores of 61. (He shot his most recent 59 four years ago, at the age of 62.) Last August, the Royal Canadian Golf Association inducted him into the Canadian Golf Hall of Fame.

These are considerable accomplishments. Still, there are conspicuous gaps in Norman's record. He played almost exclusively in Canada and made only a brief attempt, in 1959, to play on the U.S. tour. If Norman is one of the greatest ball-strikers in history, why doesn't he also have one of the greatest records?

The reasons are complex. One of them, paradoxically, has to do with the very foundation of his game: his golf swing. Simply put, Moe Norman's swing doesn't look like the ones you see on TV. He grips the club in his palms rather than his fingers, stands far from the ball with his legs spread wide; he soles the club as much as a foot behind the ball, squeezes the grip almost unbelievably hard with his left hand, takes the club back scarcely past the level of his right shoulder, makes only a moderate shoulder turn and virtually no hip turn, and finishes with the club pointing up at the sky. Nearly every time Norman teed it up in a tournament, he had to endure the laughter of spectators. He was often viewed as an amusing sideshow, not as the main event, and he reinforced his own reputation as a clown by playing to the galleries.

Norman is different in other ways as well. His personality is eccentric, to say the least. He is uncomfortable with strangers and has difficulty making eye contact with people he doesn't know. He does not like to be touched. He has never married or had a serious relationship with another person, and he has essentially no interests outside golf. He suffers from a crippling shyness that was often interpreted by others as arrogance or rudeness. Despite all he has accomplished, he has always been plagued by a fear that he doesn't measure up.

That Norman managed any sort of competitive career can begin to seem astonishing. His upbringing was modest in the extreme and did little to prepare him for the U.S. tour, where he felt conspicuous and inadequate next to famous players who dressed better and had more money than he did. He spent much of his 40-year competitive career in obscurity and poverty. He never had a mentor, a manager, or a sponsor. He sometimes carried his own bag in tournaments because he couldn't afford a caddie. When he had money, he kept it in a wad in his front pocket and sometimes had to move it to one side so it wouldn't interfere with his putting stroke. He spent 14 winters--including the one before the 1956 Masters, to which he had been invited as the reigning Canadian Amateur champion--setting pins in a bowling alley for a few cents a line. As recently as eight years ago, he was so broke that only the last-minute intervention of friends prevented his car from being repossessed. At that time, he was eking out a subsistence living by giving golf clinics for a couple of hundred dollars apiece. Even today, Norman lives in a $400-a-month motel room and has no telephone. He keeps his clothes in the back seat of his car.

Norman might be destitute and forgotten were it not for the efforts over the years of a few close friends. Among those friends are Gus and Audrey Maue. Gus Maue has known Norman for more than 40 years, and for a time was the pro at a golf club where Norman had caddied as a boy. Today, Maue owns Foxwood Golf Club, in Baden, Ontario, where Norman spends most of his days during the warm months. (He spends his winters in Florida, where he plays at a golf club owned by the Canadian PGA.) In 1987, the Maues conducted a golf tournament at Foxwood, which raised $25,000 for Norman and put him back on his feet.

For Audrey Maue, the key to understanding Norman came several years later, in a movie theater. "We went to see Rain Man," she said, "and suddenly it came to me: that's Moe. It just seemed like a light was turned on. I had always known that Moe was different, and I had known a little about autism, but I had never thought about it in connection with Moe. I don't know that he's ever seen a doctor, about that or anything else, but everyone who knows him who saw the movie felt the very same way. "Most people don't understand where Moe's coming from or why he is like he is. Life has always been a struggle for him. Just to be around people, period, made him feel uncomfortable. What he accomplished, he accomplished on his own."

Part Two

When you first see Moe Norman hit a golf ball you wonder, Why on earth does he swing the club that way? After you have watched him hit half a dozen 250-yard drives out of a divot, though, you begin to wonder, Why on earth don't I?

On the practice tee at Foxwood Golf Club not long ago, Norman warmed up with a pitching wedge, although "warming up" doesn't really describe any part of Norman's practice routine. The first shot was perfect, the second was identical to the first, the third to the second, and so on. Then he switched to his 4-iron. His swing--for all appearances, a nearly effortless half-swing--was the same with the 4-iron as it had been with the wedge. The shots came one after another, just three or four seconds apart. "How far you hitting those?" a spectator asked. "One-eighty," Norman said. Every shot was within a few degrees of dead straight, despite a stiff crosswind, unless he announced ahead of time that he was going to hit a draw or a fade. The divots were identical (surreally rectangular scrapes that Norman calls "bacon strips.")

Norman switched to his driver. Once again, the swing was the same. If you watched only his arms and hands, you wouldn't know that he wasn't still swinging his wedge. After hitting one ball, he would watch it a moment, then bend over and place another on the tee--and I mean place it. The tee never came out of the ground. In fact, it didn't move a millimeter.

"I hit balls, not tees," he explained. On a driving range once, he hit 131 drives in a row from the same tee without having to straighten or adjust it. In tournaments, he sometimes entertained galleries by hitting drives from the mouth of the bottle of Coke he had just been drinking.

"When was the last time you hit a bad shot, Moe?" I asked him.

"Thirty years ago," he said as he bent over to tee up another.

After he had been hitting drives awhile, a friend of his asked if he could try. The friend took Norman's driver and placed a ball on Norman's tee. The shot wasn't too bad, but the tee came out of the ground and tumbled into the long grass 20 feet ahead.

"Oh, dear, I loved that tee," Norman said wistfully. "I had it for seven years."

Before Norman's demonstration on the practice tee, he and I had spent some time together in Foxwood's unpretentious dining room. It was there, about a month before, that he had been inducted into the Canadian Golf Hall of Fame. The audience at Norman's induction was limited mostly to friends. At his request, the dinner was served family style.

As we talked, Norman held a putter and fiddled with his grip, or rolled a golf ball in his palm. He often finds it easier to be with children than with adults, and if a child is present he will sometimes pull a ball from his pocket and start an impromptu game of catch. I had been told that it might be hard to get him to talk, but that once he had started, it might be hard to get him to stop. He didn't look me in the eye at first, but gradually he seemed to relax. Bit by bit, with numerous digressions--all of them related to golf--he told me about his life.

"It's tough to do things when you're broke," he said. "Hitchhiking to tournaments, sleeping on park benches, sleeping in bunkers. I slept in bunkers all over Canada. You name it. I'd go and shoot 61 or 65, win the tournament, then hitchhike back on the highway with my TV set or whatever my first prize was, soaking wet. Couldn't afford an umbrella then. Sometimes I had to put my golf bag over my head. Nobody would come to my rescue, not back then. This was back in the early '50s. I was born in '29."

Norman grew up in a small house in a working-class neighborhood in Kitchener, an industrial city about 1 1/2 hours outside Toronto. The house was just 1 1/2 blocks from a Uniroyal Tire factory. The sky was often black, the air smelled of burning rubber. Money was very tight.

Norman's grade-school years were difficult. He had trouble getting along with other children and with other members of his family. He struggled in all subjects at school, except math, at which he was a prodigy. He also had a phenomenal memory. Today, he can recite the yardage of virtually every golf hole he has ever played, and he remembers every golf shot from every tournament that meant anything to him. He has a reputation as a deadly cribbage player because he remembers all the cards.

When Norman was a child, other children teased him mercilessly over his academic difficulties, his shyness, his big ears, his high voice, and his tendency to repeat himself.

An expert quoted in O'Connor's book speculates that Norman's speech and personality quirks, and even his unusual mathematical ability, may have arisen not from the mild autism that Audrey Maue suspects, but from untreated head injuries he may have suffered in a sledding accident when he was five. In that accident, he was dragged under a car a long distance, and he says he remembers seeing a tire roll over the side of his face. His parents could not afford to take him to the hospital, and his mother worried for the rest of her life that the accident had made a permanent change in her son's personality. Whatever the reason, Norman's childhood was mostly lonely. He found refuge in sports, and especially in golf, which he pursued with a devotion verging on mania.

Norman's first golf club was a tree branch he and his older brother used to knock balls around their yard; his second was a hockey stick. At the age of 12, he began caddying at a local club called Westmount. He bought his first real golf club, an old 5-iron, from a member who let him pay it off at 10 cents a week. "Oh, I was as happy as a pig in s---," he told me. "I had a steel-shafted club." Norman was left-handed, but the member was right-handed, so he switched.

Norman practiced in his family's tiny backyard by hitting balls against a neighbor's garage. He rapidly developed a local reputation as a golf terrorist. When he would break a neighbor's window--as he did 11 times in two years, usually because he was aiming at one--he would shout, "Bull's-eye!" He built his golf game against enormous odds. The other members of his family made fun of him for playing what they viewed as an effeminate game and called him a sissy at the dinner table.

Norman told me: "My father used to say, 'Come on, play a man's game. Play hockey or baseball.' I said, 'No, Dad, I'm too light.' I was a little skinny kid then, wasn't over 130 pounds. I couldn't play any other sport and be good at it so I kept playing golf. But my father wouldn't let me bring my clubs into the house. I had to hide them under the front porch."

When he wasn't aiming at the neighbors' windows, Norman practiced in a field at a nearby public course. When I referred to this field as a driving range, Norman laughed. "Nobody had ranges then," he said. "It was only a field, maybe 200 yards long. I had to wait till there was nobody playing to hit my driver. And the grass was tall. We had to use our irons to cut the grass down to fairway height, in a little square, and hit our balls from that."

Norman carried his cherished collection of battered golf balls in an old canvas bowling bag. After he had hit them all, he would drop the bag among them and chip into it. Fear of losing his balls in the tall grass increased his desire to hit straight shots. He often hit balls until his hands were bleeding. When the blood made his grip slippery, he wiped hands on his golf towel and his pants, and kept hitting balls until it was too dark to see. When he got home, he looked as though he had spent the afternoon slaughtering chickens.

Norman assembled his swing by feel, with a few clues gleaned from photographs in newspapers and magazines, and occasional encouragement from a kindly local pro. His progress was not immediate; he didn't break 100 until he was 16. But gradually his golf game fell into place. By the time he was 19, he felt he had his swing "trapped." From that point forward, he says, "I knew I could hit a golf ball where I wanted it to go for the rest of my life."

Part Three

The first significant step in Norman's competitive career came in 1949 at the St. Thomas Golf and Country Club, at a one-day amateur event later known as the Early Bird. He had not been invited. He showed up the day of the tournament and was given an empty slot. He was wearing sneakers. He had just seven clubs and carried them in his own bag, which was falling apart. Against a field that included several of Ontario's amateur stars, he shot 67 and won by two strokes. Too shy to attend the awards dinner, he slipped away after finishing his round. A friend had to make apologies and bring him his prize.

Norman wasn't like the other golfers in the tournaments he played. For one thing, he played fast. He would sometimes lie down and pretend to sleep in the fairway, waiting for slower players to hit. "I always thought the day was going to come when I'd get penalized two strokes for playing too fast," he told me. "They had a meeting about it at one tournament. They said that people were complaining because they had taken off work to come to the tournament, and I was four under after five holes and they hadn't seen me hit a shot. They said, 'Please don't walk so abruptly to your ball. Walk like you're drunk.'"

At the Masters in 1956, Norman hit his first tee shot while the announcer was in the middle of introducing him. Asked by a playing partner why he took so little time to line up his shots, he said, "Why? Did they move the greens since yesterday?" He once putted between the foot and outstretched arm of a competitor who was marking his ball.

Norman's background also set him apart. Unlike most of the other top amateurs, he didn't belong to a country club. He often hitchhiked to and from tournaments, and he had to juggle his competitive schedule with a succession of dreary factory jobs, including one stitching rubber boots. He had to play hooky in order to compete in weekday tournaments, and he was fired five times. "There was no sense saying I was sick," he says, "because they'd read the headline NORMAN SHOOTS 65 AGAIN AND WINS." He liked night jobs best, because they left his days free for practice.

Norman also supported himself by selling the prizes he won in amateur events. As his confidence in his playing ability increased, he sometimes sold the prizes before the tournaments began. According to friends, on at least five occasions he intentionally finished second because his customers hadn't wanted the first-place prize. In 1955, with a birdie on the 39th hole in the final match, he won the Canadian Amateur--the first Canadian to do so since 1951. His victory was widely viewed as a fluke by those who felt that no one with such an unconventional swing and seemingly frivolous attitude could really play golf at the highest levels. But then the next year he won it again, and even more decisively. At the age of just 27, Norman had now laid the foundation for what might have been one of golf's greatest amateur careers. But his clowning on the golf course and his penchant for selling his prizes had long infuriated the RCGA. Taking money under the table was a common practice among amateurs, but no player was as open about it as Norman was. The RCGA threatened to strip him of his amateur status. Afraid that he would lose his two national titles, he announced he was turning pro.

This was harder than it sounded. He didn't have a club job and was an unlikely candidate for one, and thus could not qualify for a Canadian PGA Tour card. Finally, in 1958, under pressure from the public, and with the help of a driving-range pro who had hired Norman as an assistant, the CPGA relented. His first tournament as a card-carrying pro was the three-day Ontario Open. He shot 68-69-74 and won by three.

Norman's obvious next move was to the U.S. tour, to which he won a partial exemption with a third-place finish in a Canadian qualifying event. His U.S. debut took place at the 1959 Los Angeles Open, which was held that year at Rancho Municipal. He putted poorly--a recurrent affliction--but was thrilled to be playing alongside Hogan, Sam Snead and his other golf idols. He continued to play indifferently, with occasional flashes of brilliance (among them a 62 at the San Diego Open) until the tour reached New Orleans. There he shot four solid rounds, played in the final group on Sunday, led briefly, and finished fourth.

Gus and Audrey Maue were in Daytona, Fla., at that time. On Monday morning, Gus saw in the newspaper that Norman had played well and finished fourth. He predicted to his wife that Norman would win the following week in Pensacola.

"About two hours later," Maue told me, "there was a knock at my door, and it was Moe. I said 'Moe, why are you here? You're supposed to be in Pensacola.' And Moe said, 'I will never play that tour again.' I asked him what had happened, but he said he would never tell me. He was distraught.

"He would come over each night with six Cokes, and we would play cribbage until the wee hours, and the next morning Audrey would wake up and there would be Moe's six empty Coke bottles. His heart was broken, but he wouldn't talk about it; then he went back to Toronto. "A few weeks later, a young tour player I knew came through Daytona, and I asked him what had happened to Moe in New Orleans. He said that some of the big names on the tour--and I'm not going to say who--were upset that Moe was hitting the ball off the big tee, and they were upset with the way he dressed, and they didn't like his appearance. That's the bottom line."

Part Four

What had happened was that several well-known pros had cornered Norman in the locker room and chewed him out. They told him to stop clowning around, said he had to dress better and have his teeth fixed. It was a harrowing experience for someone who was already painfully shy and socially ill-at-ease, and Norman never went back. He doesn't like to talk about it now. When Maue told me the story, Norman looked at his feet and said quietly, "It stopped me from having fun." The conventional wisdom about Moe Norman's golf game is that he hits the ball extraordinarily well despite an extremely peculiar golf swing. "Moe's swing is not fundamentally sound," Bob Toski told me recently. "He gets away with it, I think, because by intuition and by instinct he played that way when he was young. He has great hand and eye coordination, and he has great hand and arm strength. But he doesn't have the posture of a good player, where the arms look more relaxed and hanging from the body. He has very little bend from his waist. I think he's another Lee Trevino--he's a freak. And I use the word in a complimentary sense. He learned his golf swing intuitively, he learned it by trial and error. He didn't understand the fundamentals.''

Trevino is an interesting comparison, because if you asked other pros to name the best ball-striker among active players, Trevino would get a lot of votes. Are he and Norman really freaks? Or could there possibly be an advantage to having a golf swing that doesn't look like Bob Toski's?

Similar thoughts occurred to a Chicago businessman named Jack Kuykendall. In the early '80s, Kuykendall was a middling middle-aged golfer with Walter Mittyish fantasies of making it as a pro. The senior tour was beginning to attract a lot of attention. Kuykendall's handicap was 12. At 44, he decided to devote the next six years of his life to finding out once and for all whether he had the right stuff to play for money on TV. Two years later, after many hours of hard work, Kuykendall's handicap was two strokes worse. Frustrated and discouraged, he decided the problem lay not in himself but in the golf swing. "I was convinced," he says, "that there had to be an easier way to hit a round object on the ground with a stick."

Kuykendall had been a physics major in college, and he had put in two years toward a master's before deciding there wasn't enough money in academics. Examining the golf swing from the point of view of basic physics, he decided the problem was the modern grip. Holding a golf club in the fingers, as virtually all golfers are taught to do, creates a complex mechanical system involving so many different angles, axes, and planes that for most players hitting the ball squarely is an accident, Kuykendall believed. He redesigned his golf swing based on the principles he had discovered. After a month of practice, Kuykendall told me, he shot three consecutive subpar rounds. The next day he started a company, which today is called Natural Golf.

Overthrowing the modern golf swing is a major undertaking. Kuykendall peddled his system for several years without much success. Then, one day, after a clinic in Florida, Kuykendall was approached by a Canadian pro named Mark Evershed. "Mark came up to me and said, 'You're talking about Moe Norman.' I still remember my reaction. I said, 'What's a Moe Norman?'" Evershed sent Kuykendall a videotape of Norman's swing, and Kuykendall was flabbergasted. Point by point Norman's swing matched the one he had devised.

"Scientifically, what Moe does is perfect," Kuykendall says. "It's what we call an ideal mechanically advantaged golf swing. It is maximum force with least effort. It's as perfect as a human being can do. Incidentally, the second best is Lee Trevino's. Most people think of his mechanics as unorthodox, but that's only because it's not what they're used to seeing. "But Lee Trevino and Moe Norman are very, very close in their swings. If Trevino moved his right hand under the club a little more, he and Moe Norman would be identical. The closest on tour right now would be Paul Azinger. He has a single-axis right-hand grip, like Moe's, but he also has something that hurts him--a super-strong left-hand grip. Moe's left-hand grip is about as weak as you can make it. Azinger, because of his strong left hand, has to block the ball by spinning his hips to get the clubface square at impact, to keep his left hand from shutting the clubface down. If he moved his left hand to neutral and stopped spinning his hips, he would be almost unbeatable. He would be Moe Norman."

Kuykendall set out to get in touch with Norman, but had no luck for two years. Norman seldom talks to people he doesn't know. Kuykendall persevered, though, and eventually Norman agreed to meet him in Florida, where Norman was spending the winter.

"I spent an hour going through the science with Moe," Kuykendall says. "When I finished, Moe stood up and pulled some film out of his pocket and threw it on the table. He said, 'Here, take this. You can help someone with it.' It was some old black-and-white pictures, from 1966, of what he called his best swing ever. He said, 'All my life I've wondered why I can do what I can do with a golf club. And you are the first person who ever explained it to me.'"

Meeting Kuykendall was a major turning point for Norman. Natural Golf pays Norman a modest fee for the use of his name and image, and he and Kuykendall conduct several dozen clinics a year. Their alliance led to an article in the Wall Street Journal last year, and the article caught the attention of Wally Uihlein, who is the president of Titleist and Foot-Joy Worldwide. Uihlein got in touch with Kuykendall and Gus Maue, and arranged to meet Norman at the 1995 PGA Merchandise Show.

"Mr. Uihlein told Moe that Titleist would like to shoot a video," Kuykendall told me, "so that his swing would never be lost. The Titleist booth had one of those big blocks of video monitors, and Moe said, 'Can I be on there next year? Can I be on there next year?' And Mr. Uihlein said he could."

Uihlein then told Norman that Titleist would like to pay him $5,000 a month for the rest of his life.

"Moe looked kind of funny," Kuykendall says. "He took a step backward and said, 'I've played your balls all my life. I've played your balls all my life. What do I have to do for that money?' And Mr. Uihlein said, 'You don't have to do anything. You've already done it. We just want to thank you for what you've already done.'

"Mr. Uihlein said that Moe was in the same league as Ben Hogan and Bobby Jones and that he deserved the same kind of respect. Moe didn't say anything. He just went kind of limp, and he almost went into shock. I thought he was going to pass out. By that time, the hair was standing up on my arms, and all of us who were there were about to cry. Moe and I had to go do a clinic right after that, and in the car on the way there, Moe said, 'Jack, I don't know if I can hit the ball.'"

The Titleist stipend has made a huge difference in Norman's life. He still lives in the same motel room, eats all his meals in inexpensive restaurants and keeps his clothes in the back seat of his car. But he doesn't have to worry about money anymore. Eight years ago, Norman told Gus Maue that he was worried he'd never be able to afford to get back to Florida, saying, with deep sorrow, "My days are through." Today, he can go anywhere he wants.

Even more important, Norman has finally received the kind of recognition that throughout his playing career he felt he was denied. He sometimes grumbles that his induction to the hall of fame came 20 years too late, but he is nonetheless pleased to be there. Recently, he has even begun to talk about returning to competitive golf, perhaps by playing some events on the U.S. senior tour.

Although the hall of fame induction was a great honor, most people who hear Norman's story end up feeling that a huge opportunity was missed. If circumstances had been different--if he'd had a sponsor, if he'd had a mentor, if other players had been kinder, if he had worked harder on his putting--could he have dominated the PGA Tour?

The more I think about it, though, the more I think the question misses the point. The most striking fact about Norman's competitive record is not that it falls short of Hogan's or Nelson's or anyone else's but that it exists at all, especially if Norman is disabled in anything like the way people who know him speculate that he may be.

Norman overcame gargantuan obstacles as a young man and then went public with a golf swing that provoked titters. He set out to learn how to hit a golf ball, and he worked at it until he could do it better than anyone else--maybe better than anyone else who ever lived. His succeeding required skill and courage and self-assurance on an almost inconceivable scale.

The difficulties Norman endured undoubtedly took a toll on him. "When the sun goes down," Gus Maue says, "Moe is a very, very lonely man. He goes back to his motel room and turns on the TV. He's fine during the day, because he can play golf, but at night he doesn't know what to do."

That's Maue talking, not Norman. Norman speaks freely about injustices he feels he's suffered, but he doesn't dwell on the dark side of his life. For all he's been through and all the hard times he has seen, it is not his sorrows that stand out.

Norman with a golf club in his hands looks to me like a happy man. Even back in the days when he practiced till his hands were bleeding, golf for him was a source of joy. It was that attitude, as much as anything, that got him into trouble with various authorities--as in the tournament in which he came to the final green with a three-stroke lead, intentionally putted into a bunker, and got up and down to win anyway. It was also that attitude that sustained him.

"Golf is to have fun," he told me toward the end of our conversation, repeating a theme he had brought up before. "What do you have to lose? A lousy ball, that's all. If you lose yours, grab another one out of your bag and hit it. That is what the game's about, and that is the first thing I was taught 55 years ago: have fun. Most golfers don't see the bright things. All they see is the bad things.

"But if you see the bad things, that's where your mind will take you. If you drive a car down the road and look at the sidewalk, where do you think you're going to put the car? It's the same thing on a golf course. People see only the trees and the water. But I don't. To me, they are only there as an ornament. They are there to make the course look nicer. All I see is the tee, the middle of the fairway, and the middle of the green. That's golf. I hit my 18 fairways and my 18 greens, and go on to the next day."

"Gee, Moe," I said, "it must be boring for you." "Like heck it is," Norman said. "That's fun."

Moe Norman Golf Academy

Sunday, March 8, 2009




  “只有两位球员真正的控制着自己的挥杆:默伊-诺曼(Moe Norman)和本-侯根。”老虎伍兹对《高尔夫文摘》说,“我也想拥有自己的挥杆。也只有这样,我才会满足。”

两不同平面挥杆都正确 不混淆彼此基本要素


两个平面的挥杆,站位相对比较直一点,转动比较水平,手臂挥动相对比较陡直。 区别在何处?



吉姆· 哈蒂(Jim Hardy)是一位在高尔夫挥杆方面知识博学的教练,你也许从来都没有听说过他。我能够这样自信地说他是最优秀的教练之一,是因为我曾和你所听说过的所有教练合作过,而吉姆的确让我值得尊敬。1992 年,父亲的去世让我几乎丧失了对高尔夫比赛的欲望。是吉姆的建议和指导帮助我渡过了职业生涯最艰难的时光,并重返PGA 赛场。

1993 年,在吉姆的建议下,我决定将原本两个平面的挥杆改为一个平面。下面的文章是摘自吉姆出版的《The Swing Truth for Golfer》。这本书讲述的是一个挥杆平面与两个挥杆平面之间的区别和各自的基本原理,以及为什么不能将二者的基本原理混淆的原因。

你将在后边几页看到我所展示的一个平面和两个平面的连续动作。我认为自己有资格来展示,因为在职业生涯的早期,我用的是两个平面的挥杆方法,随后又换成了一个平面。虽然无法与过尼克劳斯的辉煌战绩相媲美,但我还是在1995 年拿到过2 次冠军。2003 年,我又在49 岁的时候拿到了一个冠军,在2004 年的夏天更是成为了美国常青公开赛的冠军。不过我觉得在挥杆方面还有很多方面有待完善,吉姆认为我对于挥杆方法的改变是成功的。

吉姆并没有以职业教练为生,因此你可能不会经常在电视上看到他。所以这篇文章以及他所编写的书是你认识他的一个好机会。同时我也希望你们能够喜欢这个重要的部分。我相信吉姆的挥杆理论将是自本· 霍根的《The Morden Fundamentals of Golf 》之后的又一次革命。努力研究、认真学习、享受乐趣,并祝你好运。

彼得·雅各布森(Peter Jacobsen),PGA 巡回赛球员


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bush Harmon 布奇哈蒙: 改造挥杆十戒


1 你的击球告诉你是否要改造
2 寻求专业帮助
3 要有决心
4 小修补不是改造
5 如果很顺利,可能没做对
6 用慢动作来练习
7 好的节奏很重要
8 勇于在比赛中实践
9 不能丢了短球技术
10 着眼于目标



Tip Plus: Ben Curtis

Swing Sequence: Ben Curtis


Leadbetter 戴维利百特: 挥杆7要诀


Wednesday, February 25, 2009



   以铁杆技术领先世界的美津浓在2009年推出了4款更新换代的力作,MP62、MP52、MX200和MX100。去年的这个时候,MP57几乎横扫铁 杆市场,被很多球友誉为神奇的铁杆,只要你轻松挥动,没有打不出去的球。这充分体现了美津浓铁杆在亚洲市场广泛的适用性。可其实,MP57是给那些低差点 高手准备的,因为MP系列,就代表着美津浓最高级别的产品。同以MP命名的67就不是谁都能用了,很多人钟情于它刀背式的潇洒外观,买进手才发现,刀背的 锐利需要极佳的精准性,没有点职业的架子,根本无法得心应手。

  今年,美津浓MP62、MP52加入了双重肌条(DUAL MUSCLE)的概念,标志着凹背式铁杆迈入了崭新的技术阶段。外部肌条在杆面击球区域后部实现了重心的精准定位,提高了挥击的控球感。内部肌条则为球杆 带来了与众不同的击打手感。很多职业选手反映,这种令人感到余韵绵长的回味,甚至让选手在击打后仍能感受到球的落点。其中62弹道较低,击打的感觉更加锐 利,明显更加职业化;而52的长铁性能优越,与短杆的击打感如出一辙,显然迎合了那些中低差点的选手。

  相较于MP系列的高端,美津浓 的MX系列,其实是真正横扫市场的王牌产品。MX25在美国就一度遭遇断货的危机,而这个系列,其实是来自于针对中差点选手的设计初衷,初学者也较容易掌 握。早先的MX19也曾应用过一个力量条的概念,在杆头外圈的包裹,使整个杆头的重心降低。这种凹背似的设计,使初学者能够轻松领悟力量的传递,而长铁的 精准和高弹道,自然成为中差点选手的福音。

  MX系列的广泛性,可以预见其换代产品MX200和MX100的来势汹汹。颇为不同的 是,MX200为锻造,MX100则为铸造。在融合了软铁锻造技术的精华后,MX200成为这一季美津浓铁杆广泛适应性的代表作,中高差点选手都可以从中 体验到轻松挥杆,操控简单的乐趣。这也是MX200为什么价格最高的原因。而MX100的宽大杆底,则为初学者奠定了击打坚实的基础,让高尔夫变得更加简 单易学。


本.候根: 五课掌握高尔夫

配图:再探Hogan's Secret侯根的秘密。










Monday, February 23, 2009


It was a rare privilege and a splendid experience to see Ben Hogan and Sam Snead in head-to-head competition, however that’s what occurred at the Houston Country Club in 1964. For the first time in over 30 years, watching these titans of the game is now possible for golf fans with the video release of the classic Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf match between Ben Hogan and Sam Snead. Staged in May 1964 at the Houston Country Club, it originally aired on February 21, 1965. This was a big match, even by Shell standards. The sponsor didn’t invite reporters to cover the matches, but this one was so big, they made an exception. Famed New York sportswriter Red Smith was among the estimated 5,000 who showed up, according to producer Fred Raphael. The city of Houston rises from topography as flat as a skillet. The pancake-flat terrain of the Houston Country Club had been molded and shaped into dipping swales, doglegs, and elevated greens by the individualistic endeavors of its designer, Robert Trent Jones.

山姆‧史尼德: 避免挥杆过头


侯根史海钩沉(下) 顽强斗士为典型的后来居上者







  本-侯根是第一个实现当代大满贯的选手,这意味着他一生赢得了全部四场大满贯赛。其他实现这一成就的选手有吉恩-萨拉岑(Gene Sarazen)、尼克劳斯、加里-普莱尔和老虎伍兹。尼克劳斯实现了三轮,老虎伍兹也在2008年实现了三轮。







侯根史海钩沉(上) 一个与死神搏斗书写奇迹的勇士

   在此之前,我们已经拿哈里-沃尔登(Harry Vardon)、沃尔特-哈根(Walter Hagen)、波比-琼斯与尼克劳斯进行了对比,我们的结论是尼克劳斯虽然在大赛冠军总数上历史第一,但是细加分析,我们并不能得出他就是历史上最伟大的高尔夫球员。今天,我们将深入谈论这个话题,这一次我们分析的对象是历史上另外一个伟大球员本-侯根。


  本-侯根1930年转为职业球员,当时他18岁。他的黄金时期一直延续到1960年。本-侯根总共赢得了9场大满贯赛,并且是当代意义下的大满贯赛。在 2005年老虎伍兹超越他之前,他在大赛冠军总数上仅次于尼克劳斯,总共赢得了9个。这是为什么许多评论家把本-侯根置于尼克劳斯之下,视他为历史上第二伟大球员的缘故。(注释:波比-琼斯和沃尔特-哈根虽然在大满贯赛总数上超过了本-侯根,但是他们所赢得的大满贯赛不是现代意义上的大满贯赛。)

  不过我们在这里并不想单纯以9个大满贯赛冠军作为依据来衡量本-侯根的成就。我们将更仔细地分析他的数据和遗产。本-侯根所参加的大满贯赛场数超过了哈里-沃尔登、沃尔特-哈根和波比-琼斯。在黄金时期,他总共参加了47场大满贯赛,与之相对,尼克劳斯参加了118场,沃尔特-哈根参加了43场,波比- 琼斯参加了27场,而沃尔特-哈根参加了24场。


  (1) 美国名人赛始于1934年,也就是本-侯根转职业之后4年。

  (2) 英国公开赛经常与美国PGA锦标赛同一周举行。1960年以前,很少有球员能在同一年参加这两场大满贯赛。因为这个原因,本-侯根在1953年无法实现大满贯。

  (3) 因为要走海路,本-侯根参加英国公开赛可以说困难重重。另外旅行对于本-侯根来说也是经济上的负担。本-侯根基本上是一个穷人。

  (4) 由于第二次世界大战,本-侯根有三年没有参加大满贯赛。

  (5) 1949年发生车祸之后,本-侯根每年的参赛数量非常有限。五十年代,他基本上只参加美国名人赛和美国公开赛,只有1953年是例外。那一年他参加了卡洛斯蒂举行的英国公开赛,以4杆优势夺冠。那也是他唯一一次参加英国公开赛。



  本-侯根与其它我们谈论过的高尔夫球员有一个重大的区别。他到34岁的那一年才赢得第一个大满贯赛头衔。尼克劳斯、沃尔特-哈根和波比-琼斯都是21、 22岁的时候便在美国公开赛上赢得了他们的第一个大满贯赛冠军。而哈里-沃尔登26岁那一年在英国公开赛上实现了首胜。

  前十年的巡回赛生涯,本-侯根发现自己在压力下,经常开出很大的左曲球。因为这个原因,直到1940年28岁的时候他才赢得第一场常规赛。在那个时候,他突然着火了,在 1940年到1946年间,赢得了30多场常规赛。尽管如此,本-侯根在5次进入大满贯赛前五名的情况下,仍然没有夺取过冠军。

  在那漫长的六年时间中,本-侯根是“从没有赢过大满贯赛的最优秀选手”的完美代表。1942年,他在18洞的延长赛中丢掉3杆领先,将美国名人赛冠军输给了拜伦-尼尔森(Byron Nelson)。


Friday, February 20, 2009



  2006年9月26日,星期四,94岁的纳尔森被发现安详地躺在自家农场庄园的走廊上,已经悄悄地离开了人世。世界高尔夫不仅失去一位德高望重的传奇大师,而昔日脍炙人口的黄金铁三角——山姆•史尼德(Sam Snead)、本•霍根(Ben Hogan)和纳尔森,都已成为无法复制及再生的历史。纳尔森的离去带走了一个时代,而他,就是PGA Tour最后一个传奇!

   1912年2月4日,德克萨斯waxahachie小镇一户普通的农场人家迎来个他们的小儿子——约翰•拜伦•纳尔森二世(John Byron Nelson Jr),就是我们文中提到的“传奇”主角。在纳尔森的儿童时期,他曾两次幸运地逃离鬼门关。如果稍有闪失,未来挤身世界高尔夫名人堂的荣誉就归他人所有了。纳尔森刚出生时12磅8盎司的体重帮助他逃离当时频发的新生儿并发症。1922年,纳尔森全家搬到福特沃斯定居后不就,他被感染伤寒。持续高烧毁了纳尔森的免疫系统,体重减轻到65磅,热度达到106华度,医生早已将最坏情况告知他的父母“你们的孩子活不了多久了”。纳尔森是个被神眷顾的孩子,他奇迹般的得救了。此后3年多的时间里,纳尔森始终与后遗症进行着艰苦的斗争。就像The Golden Age of Pericles,纳尔森创造了高尔夫之外的第一个生命传奇。

  转眼到了1927年12月,一年一度的溪谷花园球童锦标赛(The Glen Garden Caddy Championship)。这是纳尔森从1924年担任球童以来,第一次参加比赛。尽管118杆的成绩说出来有点儿丢人,纳尔森已经找到了人生目标,他开始苦练球技,还神奇般的在福特沃斯图书馆,找到一本高尔夫小册子。

  “是亨利•瓦登教握杆的内容,只有四五页。”今年年初,纳尔森在一次采访中回忆说:“瓦登的建议非常有用,我总是拿着小册子找个静静的角落,一看就是一天。”经过几年的卧薪尝胆后,纳尔森再次走上溪谷花园球场。这次,他打败了有“同事”之谊的本•霍根(Ben Hogan)。这是场艰苦卓绝的战斗,纳尔森需要推进30英尺的推杆才能与霍根在18洞延长赛再决高下。在这场被世人津津乐道的大师对决中,纳尔森的勇气 /镇静和出神入化的铁杆,助他一杆险胜霍根,而“铁杆拜伦”的封号也名声大震。

  1932年,纳尔森跟着比赛开始了颠沛流离的选手生活。那时美国正处于大萧条时期,纳尔森一边打零工糊口,一边寻找机会参加各种业余比赛。他像职业选手一样奔波在灰尘漫天的公路上,穿梭在不同的球场中。一次,他交了5美元的报名费,取得了第三的好成绩:“我虽然赢了75美元,依然没有工作。我意识到必须冬天去加利福尼亚,或许还有戏。”揣着东拼西凑的500美元,纳尔森信心百倍地向梦想奔去。结果不容乐观,冬天过后,一文不名、没有工作的纳尔森回到最后的避难所——福特沃斯的父母家,休养生息。这次短暂的休息给他带来意想不到的收获,首先,他在当地的特克萨卡纳乡村俱乐部谋到一份差事,月薪60美元。更重要的是,纳尔森在工作之余每天有几小时的空余时间,可以好好研究他的“现代挥杆”。1933年6月,纳尔森在球场遇见一位有着浅黑色头发,在查经班学习的姑娘,名叫路易斯•舒纳(Louise Shofner)。路易斯的父亲资助纳尔森650美元参加巡回赛。


  经过初期的困顿后,纳尔森的事业在1935和1936年加速攀升。1937年4月,他单枪匹马来到奥古斯塔,挥杆的稳定性也日臻完善,纳尔森自己也意识将迎来事业的新变化。果不其然,纳尔森在第一轮就打出66杆,这个单轮最低杆纪录被束之高阁44年之久,直到1976年美国名人赛被雷•佛洛伊德(Ray Floyd)的65杆改写。跟以前完全不同的挥杆动作,让纳尔森的每一次挥杆都很有效率,在奥古斯塔最凶险的“阿门角”,纳尔森不仅轻松穿过雷区,3洞总成绩低于标准杆3杆不说,还在标准杆5杆的第13洞射中罕见“老鹰”,而纳尔森在周日下午穿上“绿夹克”也是水到渠成的事。而横跨第13洞的小石桥,也被称为“纳尔森的小桥”。传说亚特兰大一位体育专栏作家看到纳尔森击出的弧线激动万分,立即提笔作诗赞美这条美丽的弧线,署名就是Lord Byron(传奇拜伦)。第二天,各大报纸头条不约而同引用Lord Byron,纳尔森的代名词就此诞生。



  “拜伦是个奇迹!”史尼德不吝送给纳尔森最高的评价:“他让挥杆充满了更多的乐趣,他从未停止过练习和改进。每次赛前去球场的第一件事就是热身,练练挥杆和推杆,掌握果岭状况,根据果岭速度选择推杆力道。看着吧,拜伦随随便便打出65杆。”退出精彩纷呈的赛场后很多年,纳尔森回忆起闪亮的1945年:“那年我确实赢了很多比赛,获得很多成就。我打得很棒,但是已经厌烦了那种生活,每一杆都不能出错。我一直对牧场情有独钟,在那里每一杆我都可以随心所欲,目标我自己随便设定,我的生活由我自己完全支配。 ”

  虽然纳尔森在1946年初就赢了两场比赛,但他决定要进行一些改变。在参加1946年美国公开赛的时候,纳尔森宣布自己的退役计划。 34岁的他正值当打之年。从1935年到1946年,纳尔森赢了52场比赛,其中32场出自1944-1946年。那时,第二次世界大战的硝烟笼罩全世界,纳尔森用顽强拼搏鼓励着水深火热的同胞。

  离开喧嚣的赛场,深爱高尔夫的“传奇拜伦”并没有将它抛于脑后,他以各种形式继续着对此项运动的一腔热情。1947年,他获邀参加美国名人赛,取得亚军的佳绩。又参加了同年的“莱德杯”,率领美国队顺利凯旋。1965年,纳尔森作为队长参加了 “莱德杯”,当然,胜利是唯一的结果。2006年“莱德杯”,他还自己用刀雕刻了几件木质工艺品。

  之所以成为“传奇”,除了辉煌职业成绩,纳尔森的人品和作为公民的社会责任感也让人们对这位慈祥的老者深深敬重。1968年,以他命名的EDS拜伦•纳尔森精英赛代替了达拉斯公开赛(Dallas Open),作为PGA Tour慈善捐款的长期合作者,纳尔森精英赛的慈善捐款超过了9400万美元,占PGA Tour总捐款的1/10。纳尔森还常担任一些高尔夫节目的嘉宾或者球评,温和亲切的笑容和谦逊中肯点评对很多球迷都是无法抗拒的吸引力。纳尔森以他出众的球技和人格魅力征服了全世界,毫不夸张地说,你找不出来一个会说他坏话的人。

  “这辈子我赢得的好名声,对我而言比那些冠军更让我自豪。”这是纳尔森在1993年说过的话。所以,2006年9月26日,当纳尔森安详地离去时,世界高尔夫历史仅存的传奇时代也跟着烟消云散了。没有人能和 “传奇拜伦”比肩,没有人能创造出20世纪40年代的传奇岁月。


Bobby Jones 鲍比·琼斯

Byron Nelson 拜伦·纳尔逊

其他常见译名: 拜伦·尼尔森

Sam Snead 山姆‧史尼德

如丝般平滑,富有韵律的挥杆,使斯尼德成为第一个开球距离超过270码的球手(当时球的制造材质 不同今日,现在的球手能轻易打出300多码)。

Swing Sequence: Sam Snead, The Slammer

其他常见译名: 山姆·斯尼德

Ben Hogan 本‧侯根




如果做对三个主要动作,球手便可以在击球时处于正确位置:1)向左转胯启动下杆过程;2)从击球到收杆必须是一个浑然一体的动作,依次动作顺序为胯部、双 肩、手臂和手;3)必须在触球前左手开始向外翻转手腕。只要上杆正确到顶部,集中精力做好这三个动作,就是我们所要需要的。




其他常见译名: 本‧霍根